…mum's the word…

Can you keep a secret? Nah, we didn't think so… We've got exciting news. Too bad we're the only ones who can be excited about it! More soon!!

Happy Holidays!!



All quiet on the western front...

We wish we had something exciting to share! Oh well, I guess no news is good news!!

Undersung - A new undertaking

I am excited to announce my next documentary - Undersung - which celebrates and gives voice to one of the most under-sung of human communities: long-term full-time caregivers of disabled family members. In collaboration with MacArthur Fellow and poet, Heather McHugh, we will follow several long-term (decade or more) principal caregivers of severely disabled family members—before, during and after their one week Caregifted retreats.

Greenville TEACCH Center screening!

Come see Neurotypical and support the Greenville TEACCH center!

May 24, 2012 - 6:30 PM
Rose High School Performing Arts Center
600 W Arlington Blvd, Greenville, NC 27834
Tickets are $10 at the door or call 252-830-3300

Proceeds will go to the financial assistance fund for families seeking services at UNC TEACCH - Greenville.
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